Lead yourself and others to success and impact with Radical Collaboration® 

upgrade your skills to harness the full power of collaboration with a fast and proven methodology

Join our open Radical Collaboration® workshop and take your skills to the next level for bigger impact and stronger relationships in and outside of work.

Collaboration skills are no longer a nice to have.

They help you stand out in your career, become the leader people want to work for, and build the business that sets a new standard for innovation.

But the formulaic approach of traditional training programs offers limited help in dealing with complex business problems and actual human beings.

When and where?

September 19-20-21. Budapest
Participation fee: 1200 EUR + VAT (27%)*
Early bird: 1000 EUR + VAT (before 30th June)

* includes catering and all workshop materials, excludes accommodation 

let's join

Here’s everything you’re getting:

An experiential, highly interactive learning experience


The workshop combines lectures, group exercises, simulations, self-reflective exercises, and more. It will not only expand your understanding of collaboration, but will also put your newly acquired skills into practice.

The 100+ page official Radical Collaboration® workbook


It will guide you through every step of the learning process, and you will always have it to refer back to after the workshop. A lifesaver when you’re about to go into tricky situations such as: difficult conversations, complex negotiations, feedback talks, or client meetings.

A roadmap to successful partnerships


You’ll learn how to build trust, manage conflicts, negotiate mutually beneficial outcomes, and solve problems in a way that strengthens connections instead of damaging them. Everything you need to navigate the human side of business.

An intense deep dive into self-awareness


Knowing who we are is essential for career success and leadership effectiveness. And yet, of the 95% of people who think they are self-aware, only 10-15% actually are (HBR). This workshop will expand your understanding of your own behavior so that you can stay effective even in the most challenging situations.

The keys to decoding behavior and team dynamics


You will develop an interpersonal lens that allows you to detect motivations, fears, and emotions when working with or observing others. You will be able to quickly find the root of issues and come up with more productive solutions.

Immediately applicable strategies and tools


You will walk away with tangible tools like a prep sheet for high-stakes negotiations, methods for mapping relationships in your organization, and your personal action plan to manage defensiveness. You can apply your knowledge and see results from the very first day of the workshop.

- Don Tapscott

“The spirit of collaboration is penetrating every institution and all of our lives. So learning to collaborate is part of equipping yourself for                                                                                                                   in an ever-changing networked economy.”

                    effectiveness, problem solving, innovation and life-long learning

“The spirit of collaboration is penetrating every institution and all of our lives. So learning to collaborate is part of equipping yourself for effectiveness, problem solving, innovation and life-long learning in an ever-changing networked economy.”

learn how to build a team where people feel safe sharing their best ideas and raising issues

understand how to build collaborative relationships with team members, even if they have very different personalities

develop essential leadership skills like negotiation, problem-solving, empathy, listening, and awareness of self and others

get more comfortable with tension and learn how to harness its innovative potential for growth and innovation 

Inspire people to aim higher together

Handle client communication with ease

Client facing roles

navigate difficult conversations with confidence and less stress

take your collaboration skills to the highest level, whether you work in sales, product design, or as a project manager

become better at managing expectations and setting boundaries in a collaborative way in order to stay on track with goals and scope 

Who is the workshop for?

get to know a new framework for understanding human behavior

interpret group dynamics more quickly to reach better solutions

stay non-defensive and manage conflict more effectively, even in the most challenging workshop scenarios

Increase your ability to turn conflict into collaboration

learn how to set the stage for optimal collaboration with any kind of group

Lead the way to a radically collaborative company culture

HR professionals

learn how to negotiate win-win outcomes and resolve tension within the company

become an effective driving force in creating transformations for your culture and employees

get buy-in for your initiatives more easily 

take practical tools and practices with you for how to best support your organization’s culture and skill building efforts

build more successful partnerships with all departments

learn how to build connections and keep them strong, both at work and at home

gain a new perspective on your (non-)collaborative behaviors and act with more intention when it matters most

stop avoiding conflict situations and learn to use challenges to strengthen relationships

Increase your ability to turn conflict into collaboration

become more skilled at saying no and drawing boundaries

understand why it might be hard for you to work with certain personalities and how to effectively manage those situations


Client facing roles 


HR professionals 

Curious individuals






learn strategies for building successful long-term partnerships based on mutual trust

Who is the workshop for?

Meet your trainer

I’m Kata Mórocz, a collaboration strategist and a certified Radical Collaboration® consultant. 

Since 2020, I’ve worked extensively with 5 organizations and trained 200+ people in collaboration skills, allowing me to test the effectiveness of this workshop’s methodologies in different setups. And I’m only getting more and more excited about it. 

I feel proud and honored to be able to work with material that’s evidence-based, well-researched, and proven to have a significant impact on participants’ lives. But it’s not only scientific data that makes me believe in this workshop - it’s also my own and my clients’ stories. 

Putting Radical Collaboration® into practice not only helped me enourmously as a trainer and consultant, it also made me redefine some of my personal relationships. I deliberately share stories of my own journey in my workshops so participants can see what’s possible if they start applying what they learn.
I can’t wait to guide you through this experience, and I hope that Radical Collaboration® will have as big an impact on your life, your work success, and your relationships as it did on mine.

Meet your trainer

I’m Kata Mórocz, a collaboration strategist and a certified Radical Collaboration® consultant. 

Since 2020, I’ve worked extensively with 5 organizations and trained 200+ people in collaboration skills, allowing me to test the effectiveness of this workshop’s methodologies in different setups. And I’m only getting more and more excited about it. 

I feel proud and honored to be able to work with a material that’s evidence-based, well-researched, and proven to have a significant impact on participants’ lives. But it’s not only scientific data that makes me believe in this workshop - it’s also my own and my clients’ stories. 

Putting Radical Collaboration® into practice not only helped me enourmously as a trainer and consultant, it also made me redefine some of my personal relationships. I deliberately share stories of my own journey in my workshops so participants can see what’s possible if they start applying what they learn.
I can’t wait to guide you through this experience, and I hope that Radical Collaboration® will have as big an impact on your life, your work success, and your relationships as it did on mine.

What participants said

“a very interactive training with lots of opportunities to practice that had a positive impact on my partnerships - both in my professional and private life”

My friend has been talking for so long about how good the RC approach is that when I was looking for a negotiation training, I picked this one and fell in love with it and its outcome for two main reasons: first because this was a very interactive training with lots of opportunities to practice what we learnt, and second because this is not "just" a negotiation training, but a very intense 3-day self-awareness course which ultimately leads you to look at negotiation (and yourself) from a very different angle. I have discovered how I function, why I do what I do, where my automated behaviours are taking over, and how to improve these. As a result, it had a positive impact on my partnerships - not just in business negotiations, but also in everyday life - so ultimately, all aspects of my life. Last but not least, I met some very amazing people and had a terrific time (although sometimes very intense) for the 3 days.

Brigitta Samuel 
Business Director, Global Investment, Omnicom Media Group

"what I gained from the workshop went beyond all my expectations and I gained knowledge that could be implemented immediately"

It’s a trend nowadays to say self-awareness is a key to our personal development. It was partly this intention which drove me to apply to the workshop, to become more self-aware so I can improve my professional collaboration. However, what I gained from it went beyond my wildest expectations. I remember I even remained in this cheerful ‘workshop mode’ for several days after the workshop, because I felt like I immediately started to see situations and myself differently. This is what we dream of when we go to any workshop: gaining knowledge that can be implemented immediately. Thank you Kata for shaping me in such a powerful way during my journey so far. I recommend this workshop for all individuals who are open to rediscovering themselves and are willing to go outside their comfort zones to do so. You don’t need to be afraid though, Kata creates an atmosphere which is a safety net during the whole process.

Fanni Katona
Junior HR Business Partner, BAT

“I recommend it for executives who are aiming to create a trustworthy and open-minded workplace”

I have participated in several trainings lately developing my professional skills, but the biggest impact was - without any doubt - made by the 3-day Radical Collaboration® workshop held by Kata. I believe that collaboration is the key not only in our vocational lives, but in our private lives as well. The first step to creating successful products and/or providing useful services is to understand your customers' needs and motivation. This series of trainings playfully integrates individual and group tasks in order to find out more about the limits and the potential in business, resulting in a win-win situation. Kata’s character and professional attitude immediately created a warm and welcoming atmosphere, so everyone felt comfortable joining the interactions and got involved in role plays. I highly recommend Kata and the Radical Collaboration® workshop for companies/executives who are aiming to improve internal communications and increase efficiency by creating a trustworthy and open-minded workplace.

Gergő Koczka
Co-founder and Managing Director, Pinetime Clothing

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